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Brunel Sales Policy and Practices

Brunel Trade Services (BTS) is a leading supplier of promotional paper products and the largest manufacturer of advertising calendars in the UK.


BTS was a new concept from Brunel Promotions enabling us to offer top quality paper products, supported by a service tailored to the needs of trade customers. We are not a dedicated trade-only supplier. We also work with a direct sales force, adhering to a strict and ethical trading policy which ensures fairness and transparency.


Brunel have always operated with a direct sales force, as well as selling to our trade customers. We will not accept orders from our direct sales force where a customer has bought a Brunel product from an Agent or Distributor the previous year. Should such an instance occur, the order will be automatically passed onto the Agent/Distributor, for them to pursue.

The same procedure will also apply in reverse. So if an Agent or Distributor passes us an order for a customer, where Brunel/Starline are currently supplying, we will not accept this order.

We have a clear policy whereby we ensure that if an Agent or Distributor has quoted a potential customer, our own direct sales force will decline to quote the same customer. In order to monitor this situation, it is necessary for us to obtain the customer’s name and postcode.

We do not require any additional information and we GUARANTEE that this information is confidential and will never be used for any other purpose, other than to check we are not currently supplying via Brunel Direct/Starline.

Brunel does not provide Agents or Distributors with sole selling rights for any particular customer. Nor will we provide exclusive geographical selling areas, for any Agent or Distributor.

We reserve the right to refuse to quote for work, against existing Brunel or Starline Direct business.

Our payment terms are strictly nett 30 days from date of invoice.

Orders placed must have a delivery address, otherwise they will be put on hold and not processed.

Terms and Conditions

Click here to view our terms and conditions.